The PetPromise Pet Food Pantry is designed to assist families who have are temporarily struggling to provide food for their pet. When PetProm has surplus pet food available, it will make this food available on a first-come, first-served basis to people/pets in need.
The PetPromise Pet Food Pantry is donation-driven and cannot guarantee the availability of food at any given time.
Please contact us by emailing to find out if we have donated food available and to make arrangements for pick-up.
Please see the alternative resources for pet food assistance below.
This program is intended to TEMPORARILY supplement your monthly supply of pet food, not be the permanent source of food for your pets. We want to be able to help as many pets and their families as possible.

Other Central Ohio Pet Food Resources
Central Ohio Pet Food Pantries
PO Box 1063
Marysville, OH 43040
Serving Senior Citizens and Hospice patients of Union County and surrounding areas
Franklin County Dog Shelter
4340 Tamarack Blvd.
Columbus, OH 43229
Provides free pet food to financially challenged pet owners in Franklin County. See their website for requirements. http://www.franklincountydogs.com/education/other-resources.cfm
Clintonville-Beechwold Community Resources Center
14 W Lakeview Ave
Columbus, OH 43202
Provides free pet food to financially challenged pet owners in Clintonville and Beechwold.
P.O. Box 844 Lancaster, OH 43130
Fairfield County CARES donates pet food to local food banks via Choice Food Pantry in Lancaster.
Lutheran Social Services Choice Food Pantry
1460 S. Champion Avenue
Columbus, OH 43206-3072
Phone: (614) 443-5130
Description: Contact LSS for participating pet food pantry locations
Rascal Charities, Inc
6365 Old Avery Rd Ste 9
Dublin, OH 43016
Phone: 614-791-7729
Email: petfoodpantry@rascalunit.org
Description: Rascal Charities has established a pet food pantry to help individuals in need of food for animals in their care throughout the state of Ohio.
Open Shelter, The
61 E. Mound St.
Columbus, Ohio 43215
614-222-2885 http://www.theopenshelter.org
Second Harvest Food Bank of Ohio
51 N. High Street Ste 76
Columbus, Ohio 43215
Champion Avenue Food Pantry
1460 S. Champion Avenue
Columbus, Ohio 43206-3072
(614) 443-5130
Hours: Mon. - Fri. 11:00 am to 3:00 pm, Sat. 1:00 pm to 3:30 pm
Dublin Food Pantry
81 West Bridge Street
Dublin, OH 43017
(614) 889-6590
Westerville Area Resource Ministry
Contact: Patti Keene, Coordinator of Pantry Services: pattik@warmwesterville.org, 614.899.0196 x205
Mid Ohio Food Bank
3960 Brookham Drive
Grove City, OH 43123
614.274.7770 / info@midohiofoodbank.org
Neighborhood Services Inc.
1950 N. Fourth Street
Columbus, Ohio 43201
Worthington Resource Center and Food Pantry
6700 Huntley Rd.
Columbus, OH 43229
Capital Area Humane Society
3015 Scioto-Darby Executive Court
Hilliard, OH 43026
Fruit of the Vine Pantry
181 E. Fifth Avenue between Summit and North 4th Street has been newly renovated and is open! Serves the zip code area of 43201.
Pet Food Pantry | Columbus Humane Essential Care Center — Columbus Humane
Northside Food Pantry
4664 Cleveland Avenue, just north of Morse Road.
Serves the boundary zip code areas 43229, 43224 and 43231. If you do not live in theses zip codes, we can serve you one time.
1699 W Mound St.
Columbus, Ohio 43223 Mon - Fri
8am - 5pm P: 614-278-3130
F: 614-278-3143
Serving Senior Citizens of Franklin County