Lifetime Care Program
Providing for Your Pets After You Are Gone
Ensuring Care For Your Pets After You're Gone
Lifetime Care of your pets is an important part of being a pet guardian. What would happen to your pets if something happens to you?
Take a moment to think about what would happen to your pets if something happened to you. Do you have written instructions with the name and contact info of the person who has agreed, in no uncertain terms, to care for your pets? (Please be sure that you have discussed this with this family member or friend as while you may think they will assume responsibility for your pet, often they will not and these pets end up at shelters where they may be euthanized.)
None wants to imagine what our life would be like without our pets, or worse, what our pets' life would be like without us. It is important to prearrange for the future care of your pets in case you cannot due to accident, illness or death. once these arrangements are made, you can have peace of mind that your pets will not end up alone and frightened in an animal shelter.
The best way to know that your pets will be cared for in the event of your death is to consult with your attorney to name a guardian for your pets and create a pet trust. In the event that you do not have a friend or family member who is able to care for your pets, PetPromise's Lifetime Care Program ensures that the pets of pet parents that plan in advance for the care of their pets, will be guaranteed a loving, warm, and safe home for their pets. Once your pets are is in our care, they will be cared for in a
foster home either for the rest of their lives or until a perfect match with a new
permanent guardian is found.
To enroll your pets in the Lifetime Care Program:
1. Contact PetPromise via the form below and we will send you the enrollment application for completion. This application will ask for specifics about your pets including what they eat, their medical background, about their personality, what they like and do not like, etc.
2. Prepare or alter your will to include PetPromise (tax id 31-1690791) with a bequest to include sufficient funds (of at least $5,000 per pet) which will provide for their care and help with any medical care that may be needed to keep them healthy. While some pets may be adopted relatively quickly many will be with PetPromise for a long time and will require significant care. (PetPromise is a no-kill rescue and pets are therefore not put to sleep unless they are suffering and beyond care. Thus, your pets will have a permanent home with us in the event that we are unable to find the perfect home for them after you are gone.) One way to cover the enrollment long-term care donation is to take out a life insurance policy and list PetPromise as the beneficiary. This ensures the resources will be available for your pets if they are ever needed.
3. Return the completed Lifetime Care Application as well as a copy of your will or trust (or the relevant codicil of your will or trust). We will keep it on file with your enrollment information. This will help us ensure the resources left to us may be accessed easily should they be needed.
4. PetPromise will send you a card to keep in your wallet indicating that if anything should happen to you, your animals are to be taken directly to our shelter. Place this card in your wallet and inform your friends and family that you have made these preparations.
Pets enrolled in PetPromise's Lifetime Care Program will receive the following:
• Placement in a loving foster home at any point where you are incapacitated or upon your death.
• A lifetime commitment from PetPromise. We will ensure that your pets will be cared for by a PetPromise foster home or a new adoptive home for the rest of their lives. By setting up a pet trust for your pets, you are guaranteed loving care for your pets after you are gone. At the time of your pet's death, any remainder of the trust will go into PetPromise's general fund to help more pets. Your gift will carry on the legacy of your love and respect for homeless pets by enabling PetPromise to continue to rescue pets in need. Please complete the form below for more information about enrolment in the PetPromise Lifetime Care Program. Please speak with your attorney or visit our resources page for more information on setting up a pet trust and planning for your pet's future should you predecease them.
Frequently Asked Questions about PetPromise's Lifetime Care Program
• What if my pet is old or in poor health?
If you enroll your pets in the the PetPromise Lifetime Care Program, PetPromise will accept your pets regardless of their physical condition. Although older and ailing animals are sometimes difficult to place in permanent homes, PetPromise will provide foster care for your pets as long as needed.
• What services will the PetPromise Care Program provide for my pets if I die or can no longer care for them?
PetPromise will become your pets’ legal guardian, and will start caring for your pets as soon as we receive notice of your death or incapacitation. We will then place your pets up for adoption to suitable, loving home(s) consistent with the information in their Pet Profile. Enrollment in our Lifetime Care Program ensures that your pets will receive compassionate care for the rest of their lives.
• Do I need to pay anything up front?
No. The Lifetime Care Program is funded through the proceeds from a life insurance policy naming PetPromise as the beneficiary or a pet trust set up with your attorney. There is no membership fee or cost to you during your lifetime, but a donation at the
time of setting up your trust or leaving a donation to PetPromise in your estate planning will help support PetPromise's mission of rescuing cats and dogs in need.
• I don’t have much money, but I have a life insurance policy and some physical assets. Can I still participate in the Lifetime Care Program?
You will want to talk with your attorney about funding your pets' Pet Trust with non-liquid assets to determine if this option will work for you and your pets.
• Will my pet be adopted through the PetPromsie Lifetime Care Program?
PetPromise will make every effort to find your pets new, permanent homes. We will post their pictures and life stories online, and bring them to our adoption
events, if appropriate. Although we cannot absolutely guarantee that your pets will be adopted, the great majority of our pets find new homes with our help. We will have a lifetime commitment to your pets whether they are in foster homes or permanent
• Where will my pets live while they are awaiting a new home?
While we work to find a permanent home for your pets, they will live in a qualified foster home with a PetPromise volunteer. Our foster volunteers are sensitive to the
special needs of surviving pets, and will provide love and attention as well as physical care. In the event that we do not have a foster home available for your pets, we will board him or her in a comfortable boarding facility until they are moved into a foster home or adopted.